Wednesday, February 12, 2014

      Today i am going to write about this wonderful book I have been reading. It is called, "I am Malala." This book is interesting for many reasons. i love the events. I love how determined Malala is about getting an education. She has something to say, and will not rest until it is heard.
      "I am Malala," is a true story of a young girl who is living in Pakistan however is under the Taliban rule. They are saying she cannot go to school, and that she cannot do a certain number of things. The Taliban have been blowing up schools. There are also suicide bombings, and terrorists claiming its a sin to dance and watch TV. People believe these terrorists and are uniting to destroy the schools. But all Malala wants to do is get an education. Malala refused to stop her education and continued to go to her school. However, one day the Taliban stopped Malala and her friends and shot her under her eye socket, and shot her friend as well. They had to get Malala to a hospital quick. Once they did they needed to leave the contry. The family fled to Britain.
      Malala cannot return to her home country, even though she loves Swat. Swat is her heart, her soul. She claims she is lost without it. Maybe someday all around the world girls can go to schools. But until that data, we will keep fighting.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

An Interesting Topic

For the past few days in ELA we have been exploring the interesting, mystical forest of poetry. (See what I did there?) I personally have always loved to do poetry. The type of poetry we are currently experimenting with is where write a line and speak one by one.
For the first run most of the kids who shared spoke of homework and school work. There were, however a few kids that spoke from the heart. These kids spoke of society and it’s cruel ways. It was clear most kids were stumped for ideas. But after some inspiration we gave it another go. This time we heard some more truthful voices. The only issue was their heads were buried in their books.  So to add some power to these little voices we practiced turning it into a physical experience by having them do simple actions. I went with my best friend, memorized my line, and became a cave for her to hide in. This represented how we hide our true identity to “fit in”. I was louder once I had no script. Some other kids spoke louder too.

By the end of the activity we were stronger as poets and performers. The kids at the shy end of the class spoke with meaning. I enjoyed this activity and hope we do it again. It was a nice experience for everyone.